Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The search continues...

Okay first off ...Richard every episode of Iron Chef America is fixed. I happened to miss the one you were ranting about but I am glad I did. I mean food and technology has a place and a purpose to mix but come on! Sometimes you just gotta leave well enough alone. Similarily I find that food and art is sometimes taken too far. Has anyone seen the show Ace of Cakes? It's like Miami Ink meets American Chopper topped with frosting.
I was a little slow with getting things started here with this blog but I am a technological failure! Finally after many attemps, I got an account to blog away and also viewed Richard's television debut. Way to go Richard! Everyone should check it out. It makes me miss Chef Hodgeson. No not really :)
Anyway as most of you know I am searching still for the perfect job. I know it exists, I just have to be patient. Patience, one of my New Year's resoltions, that and to obtain better posture (I write this as I slouch in front of the computer). So far I've had 2 interviews, one position in a restaurant for Assistant pastry chef and one in a bakery. I think I'd like to stick with a bakery. Going in for an interview tomorrow at a bakery so we shall see.
Sleeping on couches has gotten the best of me but I won't give up. Got to keep on truckin'. I got that line of inspiration from a beloved country song. Yes y'all they play country on the radio down here. Oh the sweet twang of yee-haw music!


izzie said...

Wow, as i read your post it almost felt like you were right here talking to me.
keep on posting!

peachy57 said...

Better posture! Get it now! Hurt backs suck!!