Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Fingers are numb...

I use to think that 1st semester bakeshop was so tough and that Chef made us work our asses off, but after spending two full weeks in P.A. I think this beats it. I woke up one morning with my hand and fingers sore, swollen, and numb. You know that's gotta be bad. Anyways, I'm slowing getting use to my morning routine, although I still feel slow and clumsy. I hate working in small confined spaces. Believe it or not, but my nasty school jacket has gotten nastier. It rubs up against the wooden benches and I can't for the life of me get rid of those stains - Sean what's your secret??? And they don't provide us with aprons...Ughhhh!!!... I'm so over that place. I should just put in my notice now!

Today's my Sunday and I just spend the whole afternoon waiting for my car to get serviced. At least that's finally out of the way.
I'm also working my first catering event this weekend at City Hall. Some Gala something something. Hopefully I have more fun there. Okay peace out.
Richard: no updates???? What's goin on at Piperade dude?? Are they working you to death???

1 comment:

Nat said...

Yeah I hear ya about being sore. My arms used to hurt so bad after Copenhagen shifts because it was so much repetition. And remember my burns I got from the frozen sheet pans? I hope they dont have you doing inventory in the freezer like I did :)
Thanks for the support. I'm still feeling good about my decision.