Saturday, February 10, 2007

Greetings from Anaheim!

Howdy everyone! This post coming to you from Anaheim, CA. Posted by both Nat and Mary. We're going to share our adventures with you today.

First off, young guys in cars love us. We were headed up to Pasadena when all of a sudden we see a guy sticking his head out the window and waving madly at us. We don't know when they spotted us, but they wanted us to pull alongside them in the next lane. We laughed and ignored the plea. They looked young, but I guess it's good that we can still attract the young men. Woohoo. We're hot.

So why were we headed to Pasadena...well upon Jessica's prior blog she declared that we must stop at Pies 'n Burgers if ever in the area. And that we did. We gorged on burgers spilling with sauce and the crispiest french fries ever. To top it off we ended the meal with extra large quarters of pie. Mary chose the coconut cream and Nat had the banana cream because she thought she could get her daily dose of potasium. The people who surrounded us were sharing slices of pie and looking over at our table in wonder and amazement at how these girls could possibly eat so much food. We rolled out of the diner satisifed and ever so pleased with the delicious meal. Thanks for the hint Jess!

As we fought the oncoming food coma, we headed over to Santa Monica to wander. We walked up and down the 3rd Street Promenade, enjoying some sun and the street music. Yeah, nothing happened there. So here's the story that we will tell. We saw two fishy guys in a brief exchange and have decided that it was a drug deal going down. Yes, right in front of us! Whatever, don't ask. I'm a little buzzed.

Well of course we walked off the food so we decided that we should fill our bellies with drink...the alcoholic kind of course. We took the trek to Long Beach and found a restaurant with at least fifty beers on tap. We chose Blue Moon for starters and nibbled on appetizers. Well one beer won't satisfy our hearty spirits so we next sipped HoeGarddens (Mary describes it as flowery and Nat finds it a bit spicy, not hot spicy but the "ew I just chewed a fly" kind of spicy) Nat was embarassed when she ordered the beer stressing the HOE in hoegarden and the waitress responded with the correct pronounciation WHOgarden. Whatever. We sat on the deck watching a cloudy sunset sharing beautiful vibrant conversation and decided that the year 2007 demands a trip to Vegas and early 2008 is the year for Belize. And if anyone can get their act together up north, Nat promises that she will drive up for a night of crazy fun CCSF reunion. So plan something people and let's do it right...

So now here we are, back at the hotel, drinking wine and eating kettle corn. Yes, it is a bit early to be "home" but hey, Mary wants to drink too, and as good of a driver as she is, she's not willing to drink and drive out here, in her rental car, amongst this maze of freeways. Hey, wine is wine and it's good no matter where you are. Oh, and we're out. Gotta go get more. Ciao!

1 comment:

izzie said...

As I read your post I'm wondering why I'm not therre. Sounds like so much fun! CAn't wait till you come back for a visit Nat.